Archie Backlin's Photos





There are 9 new photos.  Click on thumbnail version of photo to see it larger below.  Click on the triangle (right of thumbnails) to advance to more photos.  Click the left triangle to go back.  If you can't see the triangle to the right of the thumbnails, then look at the bottom of the screen and use the bottom horizontal scrollbar to move the page over.  Do this just as you would scroll up/down a long page.  I appreciate any help you can give me in identifying the unknown sailors in the photos.  Enjoy!


Archie Backlin in 1945.

(Submitted by Archie Backlin)


USS Inaugural AM242  Copyright © 2001 Jared Johnson  All rights reserved.

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    All stories and images within "USS Inaugural AM242", are Copyright ©2001, to the Veteran who submitted the text and/or photographs and to Jared Johnson, Webmaster at "USS Inaugural AM242". All rights reserved.   No part of this page, or those connected via links, either text, or images may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Storage, reproduction, modification on a retrieval system or transmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Copyright ©  holder(s) is prohibited.